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Old 10-14-2008, 12:34 AM   #2
MediaGuy is looking to get webmasters nekkid for his calendar.
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You know, this is a totally illegal election, a piece of shit called by Harper against a law, Bill C-16, he himself created...

"Fixed election dates prevent government from calling snap elections for short-term political advantage."

- "Honoroable" Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper...

It sucks that we *have* to vote tomorrow despite Harper's blatant lying bullshit, but at least let's use this opportunity against him to push out a new-Bush psycho right-wing manipulator.

Vote AGAINST Harper, no matter who you vote for. He is for "the enemy" whoever that is, but it's mostly anti-Canadian, anti-population and anti-democratic process.... remember he used to be Alliance party...

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