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Old 10-14-2008, 08:13 AM   #1
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Unhappy Rangers prospect dies during game

NEW YORK (TICKER) —New York Rangers prospect Alexei Cherepanov died during a game in his native Russia on Monday night. He was 19.

The New York Post reported that Cherepanov suffered a heart attack and collapsed on the bench during Avangard Omsk’s game against Vityav Chekhov.

Former Rangers captain Jaromir Jagr had just finished a shift with Cherepanov and was talking to the him when the Russian suddenly collapsed.

TSN of Canada reported that medical officials attempted to get Cherepanov’s heart beating again. According to the web site, the ambulance that is normally at all games had already departed and had to be called back to the arena. The report stated that it took between “15 and 20 minutes” to transport Cherepanov from the arena to the hospital.

How sad is that

Stephanie (Funbrunette)
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