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Old 10-19-2008, 10:59 AM   #24
Rochard should edit this
Funbrunette's BITCH!!!
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Originally Posted by dyonisus View Post
cross sells and upsells are apart of the marketing business model. I agree with trying to make a sale on the heels of another sale providing that it is a purchase the consumer is completely aware they are making.

It is the shady shady practices that causes this type of promtion to come under scrutiny.
Your on crack. Seriously, put down the crack pipe.

I went out for pizza earlier this year, and the bill came out to $50. I got the bill, put in $0 for a tip, total charge $50, and I left cash for a tip. The next day I discovered that $65 was charged to my card. Listen carefully here: I signed off on a bill that said $50. It said "grand total: $50" It did not say "$50 plus whatever you so fucking decide to charge me."

Don't give me no shit about the pizza place having a gratituity charge. If that was the case, it should have been on the bill and the final bill that I signed off on should have read "$15 gratituity plus $50 = grand total $65."

You bet your fucking ass I went in the following day and complained to the manager. I could care less about $15, but the idea that a seventeen year old high school kid can charge my credit card at will scares the fuck out of me (it was a debit card really). This is fraud and this is theft, plain and simple. I wouldn't be surprised if that kid got fired, and they are lucky I didn't complain to Visa because they can loose their processing and that would pretty much put them out of business.

When I go to target or whatever and use my credit card / debit card, the screen says "your total is $24.95". It doesn't say "Your total is $24.95 and you also agree to pay $39.95 for a service contract until the end of your life".

This is bullshit. This is fraud and theft. And it's fucking all of us in the ass because every person who agrees to pay $24.95 and then gets hit with $180 in charges isn't going to pull out their credit card again.
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