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Old 10-22-2008, 04:24 PM   #8
2MuchMark is hiring
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I don't think tube sites suck, but I do think that most are doing it wrong.

What tube site owners should do is ask for some free video content from various sites and display these "samples" with affiliate links to that websitem just like any other affiliate. In fact, webmasters could even add free TUBE Content for tubesite webmasters to use.

It's all about driving traffic. Tube sites are a great way to sample content. Surfers to go and sample all kinds of things and then if the content is compelling enough, they could click through the affiliate link and sign up to that site, earning the site and the tubemaster some money.

Just throwing up all kinds of copyright material is flat-out theft and any tube site is risking a DMCA slap by displaying it.

I suspect that right now tube sites are making good money by just selling advertising as that is where all of the eyeballs are. I am hoping that this kind of thing will be short lived as the dumb owners get sued out of business, and the smart owners will learn to work with the content providers or copyright owners to make money.
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