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Thread: Tube sites
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Old 10-22-2008, 04:28 PM   #9
Relentless should edit this
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Tube Sites are a vague term. Saying you hate or like tube sites really just shows you haven't thought about them much. It's like hating or loving sports sites because they vary about as much in many ways.

Some tube sites are excellent marketing tools designed to generate sales and push traffic to content owners, others are simply exploiting flaws in copyright laws to convert low bandwidth costs and the content of others into high traffic/ low profit piracy sites.

My suggestion is to avoid painting all tube sites with a broad brush and instead to look at the benefits and detriments of each one of them. The idea that someone should be blackballed for working with ANY tube site is as silly as the idea that working with ALL tube sites is somehow acceptable.

Personally I think the tube format will be part of many members areas in the near future and the free content piracy sites will eventually be shut down by litigation and regulation. Too many people and more importantly too many governments are losing too much money over content piracy for it to be allowed much longer at the levels it exists. Just like Napster was when P2P started, it will get scaled down but it won't ever go away.

That being said, it's much easier to make excuses than it is to make money... so many people will find tubes to be the newest and easiest excuse while only a few will work hard enough to make money parallel to, or in concert with, their continued existence.
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