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Old 10-22-2008, 06:08 PM   #14
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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I also think it's to late to stop it.

If I had it my way it would be the good old days when you could just submit galleries and make a living.

I can't sit here now and complain about how tubes are killing the industry and refuse to submit to them, I might as well stop promoting adult and try something else.

It's not up to me alone, nor am I capable of changing it alone so I must embrace it.

A good tube site would be just another format of an MGP having the one clip instead of a gallery. I say get rid of these illegal tubes. Embrace the legal ones unless you have the money and power to change the entire industry.

Hard to do in a free market.
Do I hear lobbyists against tube sites in washington? Probably not a door we would want to open anyway.

If we got rid of tubes something else will take it's place anyway.
What are we going to do when cybersex suits get so good that people can have safe sex with strangers over the net and just don't need porn as much anymore?
(btw when that happens it will be a whole new way for us to make money)

Right now there are a few of those role playing sites with virtual reality that have probably been pulling some of our porn viewing customers away. Should we close them down too?

Bottom line is tube sites can be legal or illegal. If sponsors are losing enough money to the illegal ones they need to sue them and close them down.

It's too bad xtube closed webmaster submissions because they had the best format of them all for keeping track and making sure the clips were legal and referencing the right sponsor with aff link codes. A system like that could only grow over time to make it better and easier to make sure the clips stayed legal.
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