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Old 10-23-2008, 08:11 AM   #17
spazlabz is let Your Paysite Partner help YOU make more!
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I love legal tube sites and I am willing to cough up some 3-4 minutes clips (1 from a video) to help them promote our sites. I check every tube site that joins our program.

I also work as closely as possible with removeyourcontent.com. And by closely I mean I have a bunch of tubes bookmarked and I regularly go through them to see if I can spot any Royal Cash content. Since I view and have viewed every single exclusive video we have, I am pretty good at spotting them and haven't seen any of our content for awhile. I know its there but I haven't seen it which is a lot better then when I started looking.

illegal tubes will continue to grow in popularity as long as bigger programs choose to ignore the problem and some sponsors are making money off them.

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