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Old 10-28-2008, 10:06 AM   #9
12ClicksMichele is always as usual
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I certainly do believe. When I was 12 my grandfather l lived his last 7 months of his life with us and passed away with all of us at his bedside with me holding his hand. He had been staying in my room and I moved back into my room the same night he died. Until that house was sold my room was always a few degrees cooler than the rest of the house and it always no matter what had a slight disafectant smell to it. He was on dialysis so we had to keep the room as sterile as a hospital room. We painted the room twice and the smell always remained. Also no matter how pissed, hurt, upset I was when I walked into my room it made me feel better and it wasnt just me. Friends that never even met my grandfather said my room had a calming affect on them.

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