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Old 10-28-2008, 01:03 PM   #9
12ClicksMichele is always as usual
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Top three:

Blair Witch Project
The shining

I have a little story about the Omen. I was about 8 and at my friends house watching it. Well here it was about 10 at night and I go to walk right around the corner to go home. Back then it was safe for a little kid to make a 2 min walk home by theirselves. So just as I walk out the door I see this large black shape come bounding out of the darkness at me and I take off like a bat out of hell. I thought it was the dog from the Omen. I go to run across the street, trip and slide halfway across the road on my bare knees, elbows and face all the while screaming my head off. Neighbors come running out of their houses and even my dad who was waiting on our porch for me heard me and came running. They found me laying on my back, covered in blood from road rash, crying hysterically and getting licked to death by the whining and very confused Max, my neighbors very friendly and affectionate Doberman. In the dark after a scary movie a Doberman and a Rottweiler can look a hell of alot alike especially when they are running top speed at you for some petting.

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