Industry woes or...
I have seen alot of threads based on the topic, "is the industry dead or slowing down". Personally I don't think its as dead as many are to believe as I just recently had a conversation with some investors who were planning on creating a site but feared all the rumors that adult was dying on the net - after hearing this I realized something.
The industry isn't as much dead due to lack of signups but because of lack of originality. What I feel has happened is not the financial woes and economic bad times but that we have all stolen as many ideas as we can now off of each other, and with nothing new - no new marketing or creative websites - we simply have lost the touch to start something original.
New employee's are being hired to only steal webmasters away from competitors or merely hire other reps to get their lists instead of tapping into markets or new concepts that would entice surfers. So companies now are selling off to others or moving away from big budget parties as seen at trade shows - and honestly we have lost the idea to put adult back into adult conferences instead we look like an accounting group with wild women walking around for eye candy.
Do we sit back and wait for technology to catch up so that we can milk it for everything it's worth hoping for more sales? Or do we wait for the next new webmaster who has an original thought and say, "wtf why didn't we think of that?" Seriously, as year after year go by we've milked our competitors ideas and have to start coming up with our own.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato