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Old 10-28-2008, 01:29 PM   #1
TheLegacy is Bi - Sexy
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Default How long can I marriage or relationships last in this industry?

As you know I have worked in this industry for around 15 years and have seen alot of friendships broken and marriages fallen apart as a direct result of working here. Even lately two people who I considered great friends have split - which shocked me but when one person wishes more from their site or the industry and the other isn't prepared to cross that line - then heals get dug in and without proper counseling, and sacrifices - they're marriages are gone.

Friends are the same way - over the years I have lost people who I considered best friends because of this industry or sex/desire. Guys hit on wifes or girlfriends/models which ultimately gets back to the partner and causes arguments - deals which are misunderstood or favoring one over the other suddenly ruin trust and all the years of building a relationship are gone.

A snapshot over even 2 years ago reveals at least 4 dear friends I have lost and a minimum of 5 marriages/relationships broken as a direct result of this industry and sex. I know that the mainstream is no different - but here - we rely on one another, mostly - we need each other to survive. Mainstream and legal authorities are battling us daily - do we really need to shoot our own wounded?

There are things and situations that have occurred that I can't even forgive because it crossed a line, and revealed that certain people are no different than the scum we have all come to dislike and wish were gone from this industry. Can we honestly run the adult business like a business anymore or is there anything that is considered out of bounds?

Skype: robjameswarren

"Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something." - Plato
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