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Old 10-28-2008, 01:42 PM   #2
Cyndalie is not it.
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Hmm, that's tough. I think couples who are TOGETHER in the industry have a better chance than those who keep a spouse on the outside. Pictures, stories, all can be misconstrued, especially at shows where people get very friendly (if not sexally suggestive) with one another. You can forget how appearances can be deceiving no matter how faithful you are. That and jealousy of the freedom and travel one partner may get while the other is left home can be frustrating.

There are relationships I've seen in this biz that have made it through thick and thin. Steve and Shannon, Chris and FunB, hell Brian and I... but the will to stay together and work through hard times is the foundation of marriage and love. Nothing good ever comes easy I always say, especially when two people grow and change over the years, want more, need more, want different, need the same, etc.

I've been wondering where you've been Robert. I hope to hear from you soon. I hope all is well with you.

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