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Old 10-28-2008, 01:51 PM   #2
Cyndalie is not it.
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I don't know, I think there are several factors hurting our industry beyond faults in the products being offered. Tube sites and free content is hurting the biz. Before free pics and video trailers constitued 'free porn'. Now it's full length movies and rampant amateur porn. Sure we have to get super creative to suck in customers curious enough to pull out their wallet, but the 'fill a need' gap that paysites used to fill are now filled by free porn.

Another thing I think has hurt adult is the downturn of the number of credit card users and the increase in the number of debit card users. Debit card users check their balance online all the time, so they can dispute charges as they appear, rather than wait a month or never open that credit card bill. They can remember quicker to cancel, and they have less funds available on their balance.

Economy makes people frugal as well, entertainment budgets are first to go.

You could look at it as TV is full of free shows and movies, why subscribe to pay channels or get movies on demand? Those special nights you want something fresh and new to watch - it sure is nice to have those pay options without leaving the house. But which movies do you watch - low budget films that never hit the theaters, or that movie you wanted to see but didn't and waited to come out on TV, the blockbusters. Not only studios but programs as well could serve to advertise their brand further rather than just relying on affiliates to create a buzz. There is a lack of creative marketing just as much as a lack of quality content in this biz.

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