Originally Posted by RD_Shane
I had horrible nightmares as a kid and just about any scary movie would do it. But the most fucked up one was Freddy. Since I already had such bad nightmares Freddy played well into that. I only ever watched the first 10 minutes of Nightmare on Elm street and I didn't sleep for like a week. Even now I can't watch the Freddy movies, they just freak me out way to much. I'm still not a huge fan of the really gory movies like Hostel and Saw, but I can watch some of the less ucky ones like the Scream movies and Resident Evil. I just close my eyes during the bloody parts. 
Oddly enough its not the gruesome bloody over the top kind of movies that get to me but the ones with a certain margin of believability to it that affect me.
Like the Blair Witch Project - no gore what so ever but yet a slow building of anticipation and a reality you could interject yourself into. My heart just pounded more and more as that movie went on.
Another on is the ORIGINAL Friday the 13th. That was all about a mom who lost her son losing her mind and taking revenge. The part where she is walking through the woods and talking to herself and answering herself in this creepy kid voice gave me chills. They completely ruined that movie with the rest of the series.
I have actually had really heated discussions about horror movies and can get pretty into proving my point. LOL