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Old 10-29-2008, 02:22 PM   #3
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Scariest- That's easy. Jaws when the shark bites into Quint and the blood comes spewing from his mouth. That cene scarred me for life.

Creepiest- Saw II I think it was where the woman had to crawl around in those dirty needles. That just made me queasy.

Thing that made me jump the most was actually in a video game. Was playing the original Resident Evil in the pitch black of my room when I wa walkign downa hallway and the zombie dogs come crashing through the window out of nowhere. Loud as hell and scared ths shit out of me as I had NO idea it was coming. People talked about that scene for a while cause it always scared the crap out of people if they din't know it was coming.

Favorite gory scene in a movie. Resident Evil where they get all cut up by the laser.

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