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Old 10-29-2008, 04:04 PM   #4
M O should edit this
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Originally Posted by Rochard View Post
Cyndalie, I think your wrong. In times of stress people turn towards two things - vice and entertainment. Times are tough, but sure enough they are keeping their cable TV turned on and keeping their Internet on.

The problem is deeper than the current economic situation. Certain aspects of our industry are crashing pretty hard. It's only a matter of time before you see companies going out of business. But other aspects of our industry.... Are doing very well. And that's because they aren't selling the same old crap.
I spoke to my TERMINIX guy ( exterminator) today and he told me that he is loosing 8to 10 clients a month.

My friend who works for Dish Network told me that most of the people keep the basic package but they cancel the Pay channel, HBO, Cinemax ,etc.

IMHO like Roch says Niche product will be able to take the hit.
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