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Old 11-02-2008, 09:21 AM   #8
thruma is hard at work.(double meaning)
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
So Rochard, what you are saying is people will use generic brands, water their lawn less, and trim excess out of their daily lives, yet STILL buy porn when they can get it for free?

There is one sure thing about looking at porn.
Guys will get tired of seeing the same stuff over and over and will be willing to buy some new stuff as long as it is brand new never before seen stuff.
It doesn't have to be new concept just new freshly made.
That's why free porn won't ruin the biz in general but as long as we keep giving it all away even the brand new fresh stuff then forget it.

I have to agree with Cyndalie on this one. With everything that is free out there now it's gonna make it all that much harder to get a surfer to buy it.
They will only buy it after they get tired of seeing whats already free and that also means we would all have to stop giving out new fresh stuff and wait for them get tired of seeing whats out there now.
I'd like to see that happen but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't know how many of guys follow the mainstream IM world but something I have been noticing them do is they are giving away for free courses and programs that are normally $199 - $2000.
All they ask is a shipping and handling charge and you get their newsletter as well for free, then the newsletter rebills monthly.

So is this just a way to market their newsletter or is the economy so bad that they have to give away $199 - $2000 worth of material to get $9 shipping charge and hope they don't cancel the $20 - $50 a month newsletter subscription?

They've always given away a lot of stuff for free but it has always been crap that was worth nothing anyway but now they are giving away good stuff they used to charge mega bucks for.

That's what the adult industry was doing even when the economy was good so what kind of change do we need to make now that the economy has turned so bad.

Porn is a product in demand no matter how bad the economy and people will pay shitloads of money for it as long as we don't offer it all for free.

I bet if you go around to some strip-joints in your city and see how they are doing I'll bet they're full at the peak hours and probably will be through this whole recession.
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