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Old 11-02-2008, 09:37 PM   #10
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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I have been in different aspects of this industry for many years. One of the things I have learned is that porn is a recession proof industry. People will still pay for sex, be it prostitution, strips clubs or pornography. The reason is exactly as rochard said people like to feel better in times of strife by increasing the use of entertainment

Of course sales have slowed down, where once you may have done 75-100 joins per day you may only be doing 65-80, or whatever. People are inspecting their credit cards more, people are using the free sites more, but when it comes down to it, they will pay when they find what they like. We all cut corners where we can, we all still get the things we love. (A new iphone, a new xbox, or wii a new car a motorcycle, etc)

We are less creative, skins are more popular, you can template a site and skin several faster then planning and building, you can copy business models and maybe change pieces, the bottom line is if your product is losing money or joins you need to find a creative way to boost the efforts to increase joins to make up for the loss.

I like that challenge and thrive on it. I watch traffic into our program carefully and ensure I am optimizing what is there and getting joins fromt he places that count. we have dropped but then seen stellar days. Its all in the traffic and the marketing material .

What's your pitch goign to be this week, something you saw on another site, or somethign you think will really spark the user's interest
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