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Old 09-10-2002, 12:41 PM   #4
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
Xnations Voice of Reason
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Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Manitoba, Canada
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I'm...oh Christ...34. Been married for...for the love of God...12 years.

Born in Toronto. Raised in Winnipeg. Moved to Brandon to raise a family.

Have 2 beautiful kids Cory 5, just started school and Kryslyn 3.

Was working successfully at home until my neighbor's son-in-law said he needed some help at the office. I figured it would be a part time gig, and I'm always willing to help out a friend, but here I am about a year later still peddling stuff for Xamo.

Still work at home too. VERY long hours. The wife's complaining about the hours. Not about the money She just left her job after 8 years as a child care worker to go back to school to become a nurse.

Likes-Hockey, history, funny people and obviously porn. Oh, and waking up Christmas morning with kids. OK, OK, waking the kids up at 5 am Christmas morning.

Dislikes-Obnoxious and/or ignorant people, sports salaries, CURLING and poor customer service.

So much to say, so little time. The story of my life.

To know more, don't feel shy, hit me up on ICQ-147353891. I've left out the racier details of my life for private chat only.


P.S. Great board EC & FB. I'm just busting your balls over the Leafs
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