Yea, your right! That was a super condensed trip down memory lane and its all true. Good one. Kids do have it easier, and they're also worse off for it. They'll never know the joys that we had of doing things for ourselves, enjoying simpler stuff, etc. Interactivity was playing with your friends, not your video games.
Nowadays, kids play 18 str8 hours of World of Warcraft, are having sex in 6th grade, sticking funnels in their asses to mainline booze, beating up homeless people, soaking tampons in liquer, and taking every drug they can find...
Speaking of Atari, they have this joystick unit you can buy that has every single game on it; like 100+, you just plug n play to any tv. I'm gonna get that an relive the 80's, while watching Fast Times at Ridgemont High, and listening to my Kiss records.
ps- You've become your parents!