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Old 11-17-2008, 12:14 PM   #24
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I haven't found it to be a problem - my SO isn't in the industry, but he does a lot of work in live entertainment (sound and light set up and operation) and has a lot of the same tempations. For us, it's simple: 1) we trust each other implcitly and 2) you don't shit where you eat.

Maybe it's different 'cos I'm a female - I don't have the talent tempation, I suppose - but on the other hand... Well, the opportunities have been there. It's a pretty easy choice to make though, beyond my relationship status: I work with these people, and if I am trying to forge a partnership, it doesn't seem particularly intelligent to derail or get that tangled up with sex.
Liz: Sales Babe and General Nerd
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