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Old 11-18-2008, 03:23 PM   #11
Yngwie is a Rep at TrafficBroker.com
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My big debts were all paid off after I sold my house and now I just have 2 very low limit
credit cards, but I want a bailout.. How much and why?

$10 000 000

Why? Well, I can than help my entire family and make sure they enjoy their lives, I can make sure that my dad is better taken care of since he's now in a home for the elderly type place and it costs him a lot for almost nothing.. He needs to enjoy the rest of his life and not be in a depressing situation.

After helping family I would help a few friends.. my REAL friends and not the ones that just talk to me once in awhile. After that I would go enjoy MY life for once and know that everyone I care about is also taken care of.

Of course, this is something that will never happen. lol
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