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Old 11-26-2008, 01:24 PM   #1
Cyndalie is not it.
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Default Have you made any POSITIVE changes in your life this past year?

Have you lost weight, quit smoking or drinking, started living greener, or made any kind of positive changes in your life or lifestyle?

If so I want to talk to you. If you'd like to nominate someone in the biz that you know of, please let me know. ( Finding God does not count LOL )

I have been working on an article for FUBAR Magazine and I need some more feedback, stories, and quotes to finish it up.

This is pretty free form and you can disclose as much as you feel comfortable with. This article is designed to highlight sucess stories and motivate others as well as show some positive reflection on the industry itself. As we are shaping up, so is the way we do business...along those lines.

Hope to hear from you!
Cyn at 12clickscash.com
icq 339949429
or post here

Deadline for responses is next Monday.

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