Originally Posted by Evil Chris
What a great idea for an article Cyn.
Personally I don't have anything that comes to my mind worthy of such an article, and I quit smoking way more than a year ago. I'm using more environmentally friendly light bulbs though! 
Chris, I have not hit the quit smoking angle (timeframe doesn't matter, but consistency does) I was meaning to ask you and LAJ about wanting to contribute. Something along the lines of:
Addictions are binding and can weigh on the mind, adding stress to daily life even when you think they help to alleviate stress. Now that you don't smoke, how has life improved for you? Do you find yourself thinking more clearly, less impulsive on the whole?
How do you handle social situations where you are around smokers? Does it affect your ability to do business with people?
If you want to PM me a reply, name for print and position/company for print, I'd appreciate it. If not that's ok too.