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Old 11-26-2008, 06:31 PM   #7
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I've always enjoyed the swings, see saw, coloring, artsy craftsy stuff, and snowball fights. Back in August, my BF's 10 year old nephew and mom visited with us for a week and a half. We have a small stream that runs through the backyard and the kid wanted to go looking for frogs and misc creek creatures. We followed the stream for quite awhile walking in the water. He thought I was so cool because I was the only adult who said I'd go catch frogs with him. I really did have fun with him. It reminded me of when I was a kid stomping through the creeks and rivers.

I have a 4 year old nephew who loves to put puzzles together. He's so determined and won't walk away from the puzzle until the last piece has been placed. When I go home and spend time with him, at some point during our playtime together, he'll ask me to put a puzzle together with him. (My nephew loves it because it is rare he gets an adult who will put a puzzle together with him and enjoy it themselves. My parents and brother aren't puzzle people and apparently his moms side of the family aren't either. ) It's something I've always enjoyed doing since I can remember and still enjoy it. It was also something my grandmother and I did together during the week that I stayed at her house each summer.
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