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Old 12-01-2008, 01:47 PM   #15
Yngwie is a Rep at TrafficBroker.com
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the music I listen to brings me back to my young days.. 12 and up. I still listen to the same music and it's on 24/7 so I'm always brought back. Than there are certain things about christmas that bring me back to when I was little even though so much has changed in my family and the fact that I'm not much of a christmas person anymore.

there may be a few other things, but I'm tired today and have a very bad headache so can't think to clearly. Yep, I'm still working even with a headache. I have no choice. I need to do the work that I set out to do and also try to get the domain in my sig sold withing the next few days. (long story as to why)
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