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Old 12-16-2008, 02:00 PM   #2
JoeD should edit this
Citizen X
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Lightbulb Europeans Billing Europe!

Good point Bruce - and education is the key - now, how do we get John Smith's attention long enough to enlighten him to the benefits of our new or complex product offering, which is just outside his current knowledge base...?

ie: John Smith knows credit cards and will relate every other billing option to what he knows = credit cards. Direct Debit and SMS have almost nothing in common with credit cards from A to Z! The Challenge...

Exclusive content is pretty easy to grasp - traffic remains an enigma to me! But I'm getting closer now
How Will You Spend Your 2009 EU Profits? - Webbilling.com

European Direct Debit Billing - Your Only Risk Is More Revenue!
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