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Old 12-17-2008, 09:52 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Visualad View Post
ok. this "word replacing phenomena" is getting worse... without thinking Im replacing "normal" words with adult related words.

I tried finding a review on the xbox game King KONG but couldnt find anything good.. I kept hitting search and nothing..

Then I saw I was searching for "King KINK". ;-)
Damn!! things like this happens more and more frequently .. :-)

*cracks up* I woulda been searching "King DONG" probably.

All of my friends growing up were guys, so I pretty much always made "normal" stuff dirty - though there are things I used to mind less than I do now.

Example: Before porn, I never had a HARD TIME (HA!) talking to people about the "stickiness" of their site. Now, it has a whole new direction on it. *laughing*

As to the rest, the major difference is that I have to hide less. My sense of humour's always been raunchy and twisted, and finally, I am in a business that is OK with that.
Liz: Sales Babe and General Nerd
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