: Conversion Rates Up
Thanks for the feedback guys.
As you can guess, ours is a new site - and there are some experimental elements within the site that are there at the request of various people on our marketing team.
Since it's my job to help implement suggestions that improve conversion rates for affiliates - you can be sure I'll be recommending the following for our next round of site changes;
1) Removing the You Tube player and replacing it with our own video player and a single non-xxx video.
2) Inside, removing the existing 'On the Set of Sexarise' video and replacing it with graphic xxx video clips from the actual DVD.
3) Trimming down the pic gallery to maybe 25 to 50 of the best still shots from the DVD.
4) Lastly, adding a paid streaming option for customers.
Feel free to let me know if I missed anything here.
Again, thanks for the feedback & good luck to all adult webmasters here for 2009!