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Old 12-29-2008, 01:00 PM   #1
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Default Your new years resolutions? Mine inside..

1: Keep on making Perfecto Grow.
We´ve been growing and growing and making more money for affiliates year after year. And for 2009 we have several new exciting exclusives in the pipeline and I cant wait to get them all online.

2: Travel more.
Really gotta start pumping up the frequency of travelling to sexy countries.

3: Become SUPER ripped.
This will require me to go hardcore with cardio for 6 weeks straight.
But I did it last year and its all good aslong as I stick to it.
My summer long ice cream binge (200+ icecreams in 2 months) fucked me up a bit. ;-)

4: Find a new GF to have sexy time with.
Sexy time is the best time spent PERIOD. So.. ;-)

Something like that.. You?

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