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Old 12-30-2002, 01:33 PM   #68
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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I am definitely on side with the importance of a Double Opt in mailer. And Hallelujah to those who say they will not sell the names on their list.

I have managed a few lists in my day. The lists that were double opt in did the best by far in overall conversions and VPC (Value Per Click).

Here is a small example of real data comparing a general SPAM list and a Double opt list.

SPAM LIST - 3 million names, conversion 1:235, VPC .08 cents
Opt List - 250k names, conversion 1:78, VPC .21 cents

Both sent the same creative and on the same day. If opt lists are not better then why would I get more sign ups and clicks then a SPAM list.

Sure there are many who have made money from the SPAM names. And many who continue to today, but in the end, especially with articles like this it is apparent that the ideal is to opt the names in.
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