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Old 12-31-2008, 03:42 PM   #15
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by B O B View Post
pretty sure all the courts of the US would disagree with you...and it wasnt just a *smack on the ass*

more like a full bore, 100% effort slap which probably did some skin damage.

but if you feel its ok to hit a woman like that, then hey, who am I to say dont...

i bet if you ask your wife though, she would say if you ever hit her like that your nuts are in the front yard.
Well, if you'd like to bring LAW into it, I'd wager to guess that any court in the land would look at what SHE did as much, MUCH worse than what he did.

I did ask my wife what she'd do if I did that and she said she'd be pissed off. However, she laughed when she saw what he did to her, and gave a "what the fuck" look when she saw what SHE did to HIM.

As gallant as you're trying to be, I think MOST people would still think what she did was worse.
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