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Old 01-01-2009, 03:01 PM   #19
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Funbrunette View Post
I'm strongly of the opinion thet men shouldn't hit women (and women shouldn't hit men), however after seeing this video I feel she deserves what she got, he did smack her ass (the pie in the face was TOO much)

If a woman clocks a guy in the face in my books it's game on (don't start something you can't finish). Nobody has the right to hit anyone. It's a bit of a double standard. Usually men are stronger and bigger than woman, so hopefully common sense is going to make a come back in 2009.

These two idiots in these videos deserve each other
I agree with most of that. It's funny how you add in, almost as an afterthought that "and women shouldn't hit men", then later add that it's a bit of a double standard. Not criticizing btw, just observing.

Make no mistake about it, I'm NOT in any way advocating hitting women, but like YOU say, and most NORMAL people would agree with, don't start something you can't finish. Just like men shouldn't hit women, women shouldn't have carte blanche to just hammer away on a man BECAUSE she's a woman and HE'S a man.

The only thing I really disagree with you saying, and Legacy said it too, was that the pie in the face was too much. lol. My god, it's a PIE IN THE FACE people. That's just funny.

All of that being said, those two people look like they have FUN together...fun being a very relative term. Beating the crap out of each other isn't MY idea of fun, but if my wife pulled a silly practical joke on me, I'd probably be pissed off, then later I'd laugh, then I'd do my best to one up her and have a blast doing it. I love my wife more than anything but with the way we banter with one another, people that don't know any better would think the two of us think very little of each other. Those that DO know us know that it's just the two of US having FUN with each other.
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