Originally Posted by Magnus3x
Not true if the story is to be true to the book the story of 007 was taken from.
Daniel Craig = James Bond sign of the times, all James Bond movies are in tune with the decade they are filmed.
My thoughts on Quantum and James Bond:
- Enough with the Street Parkour scenes.. large leaps and jumps from buildings to building, it was amazing in Casino Royal but enough already.
- James Bond has to say his name, last name first, first name last, you just have to. (Absent in this movie)
- Gadgets goddammit!!!! When you show up at head quarters you need gadgets, the new Aston Martin is not a gadget, it was a commercial. (Again absent)
- No American chicks, they should always have hot hot hot eastern Euro/british Bond girls and he should bag at least 2 per movie.
Nice list and spot on. Hope they listen to you