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Old 01-15-2009, 08:43 AM   #15
Evil Chris
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I started this thread on GFY as well, and I got answers that I expected.

What I think is this.... Starting a new TGP isn't a waste of time, and they can still be profitable. But you have to also measure what your time is worth to you now versus 10 years ago.

I have a few TGPs now and the ones I put effort into do make money. I know they could all be making more. But it's the time needed to maintain them.

When someone outright dismisses creating a TGP as a "waste of time" or "TGP is dead"... I simply don't agree. Any porn site you create will make you money if you know how to attract the traffic, and perhaps more importantly excite that surfer's senses for more and convince them to make a purchase.

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