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Old 01-15-2009, 07:03 PM   #18
the New Shemp
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Originally Posted by thruma View Post
Shemp you're well respected enough that I'm not going to argue with you.

I can see too how your perspective is going to be much different as a long time tgp owner who has been making money from it for a long time.

My perspective though is I had a tgp that never made much money at all only to get to the point of making no money at all in recent times.

Also I'm a TGP gallery submitter who used to make loads of money and has seen tgp ratios get bigger and bigger as time goes on. Dec 2008 was my first month ever of making 0 sales from TGP traffic.

So I'm only one person yes but I have seen many others saying the same things.
sorry, for the abrupt comment last nite...however every time i hear how good TGP2 was, i wanna throw up...it was started by a bunch of losers on gfy that coiuldnt make a dime with regular tgps...the original group was led by wolfshade, a well known dialer cheater and crook that resurfaced a few years ago on Netpond under a different user name and bilked a bunch more people out of their hard earned cash...

TGP2 never took off because it never had any traffic and it never made the users and real money...all the time the TGP2 group were voraciously pushing the wonderful concept of TGP2 to the masses, they were still submitting regular TGP galleries to the big TGP sites (the very sites that they wanted to put out of business) and sneaking recip links back to their crappy TGP2 sites...

Only the surfer decides what will work on the internet...you cant force a fad or make a surfer like a concept...the surfer will make or break you and the surfers broke the TGP2 concept because it sucked bigtime, from the surfers point of view...
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