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Old 12-30-2002, 06:45 PM   #4
PerfectionGirls should edit this
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Well... I'm kinda like Redshow except I do like to hangout a bit. Here's our party list as of now.

We will be at the XNations get together at the bar in a Venetian
We will be at the GFY party
We will be at the Players Ball (we are a sponsor)
We will be attending the other party the same night as the Players Ball with the funk band (my fav).... I just forget the name.

We are booked Monday night with the ccbill people I beleive. The only night we have open is Wednesday and we will be shooting that night. Since I will have three of our girls tthere together I should be able to get some cool g/g/g stuff

Also.. some of you have ask which girls are going to be there.

Sydney will be there the 5th through the 9th
Dana will be thre the 5th through the 9th
Jenna, our new little teen pornstar will be arriving on the 7th just in time for the players ball an dshe will be staying through the AVN awards on the 12th.

Oh course.. I will be there the entire time and I know you guys just wanna meet me anyways. lol I will shave my ass before I leave for vegas.... I promise. haha
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