01-19-2009, 10:45 PM
is the Queen of Mean
Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Montréal
Posts: 4,780
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Welcome to the kitten stage. Water spray bottles and vegetable sprayers work wonders. My little Angelie was complete hell as a kitten. She was nicknamed S.O.S. (Spawn of Satan) People told me too, "After you get her fixed, she'll settle down". Well, lets just say it didn't have the calming effect on Angelie.
There is hope because they do settle down. The kitten stage will try your patience, but it gets better as they mature. You just simply have to be more stubborn than the kitten. Angelie knows I'm the pushover human in the house and she has me wrapped around her little paw, but she also knows that there are some rules that I will not bend, even the slightest bit, on. For example, I don't like cats on counters, tables, or in sinks. It took a few times of her getting sprayed with the vegetable sprayer before she learned, but now she knows better. Even now when she gets in one of those moods and decides to test our patience, all we do is grab the spray bottle or reach for the vegetable sprayer and she takes off like a bat out of Hell.
Another thing I did with Angelie was to let her outside. I didn't want an indoor/outdoor cat, but my patience was wearing thin between my BF scolding her, bitching about the cat, and her just being her. I swear she did things just to piss him off and then sat back and laughed because she succeeded in pissing him off. Something had to give. So, one time when I went to leave and she made a mad dash for the door, I left her out. She was not even a year old and I worried big time the whole time she was out. Especially when there was a time she didn't come home for about 2 days. After that stunt, she never went far from home. Now when she goes out, she hunts, burns off some excess energy, and comes home much calmer.