Originally Posted by Funbrunette
Thanks peeps! Those are some great tips! I was lucky last night Ryan played with her for hours and he tired her out, she passed out and slept all night! It's amazing, Ryan has taught her how to fetch a ball and bring it back! Blows my mind away! 
lol theres your answer. Let Ryan wear her down.
When our cat was a kitten the kids played with him till bed time and it was so funny.
As soon as the kids walked out of the living room to go to bed the cat would jump up on the couch and fall asleep. All in the same instant. lol
Something you can try if the cat is being bad is just say a firm no and give it a very gentle tap on the nose and I do mean GENTLE!
Mother cats tap them on the nose when they are being bad so it is somewhat instinctual. Their nose is very sensitive so do it lightly and GENTLE. Did I say that already?