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Old 01-21-2009, 10:16 AM   #8
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Cyndalie View Post
I saw the swearing in and the speech, it was tempered and just OK. The size of the crowd was impressive.
Let me preface this by saying that I never saw the speech, so I have no idea what it was like. I heard a couple of people say it was amazing, then this comment.

But THIS is part of why Obama is doomed to failure. Prior to his speech, I heard one guy saying that his speech was going to make people forget MLK's mountaintop speech. Like WTF??? How much are people expecting from this guy and how much more pressure does he need on him?

The guy inherited a war his country CAN'T win, and an economy depressed like nothing since the GREAT depression. With people expecting historic beyond belief speeches from him already, what can he POSSIBLY do to live up to his expectations? He could solve peace in the middle east, see the economy rebound in three months and Jesus himself could come down from the heavens and say he's the best person he's ever watched from above, and he'll be criticized for not curing cancer and there not being flying hovercrafts.

Has there been ANY other president with the expectations placed on him? Ever? Not only is it unrealistic, it's unfair. Enjoy the first black president folks, because it's only gonna last for 4 years. (yeah, that's an official non-sports prediction Chris...one day into his administration)
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