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Old 01-21-2009, 11:10 AM   #9
Evil Chris
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Ron, I can always count on your for an extreme point of view.
Much like another Ron that I know. Where is he anyway? This is just his kind of conversation.

I'm unsure what you base your prediction on, or how you can say with such certainty that Obama will be kicked out after one term. It's already common knowledge that he's not expected to move mountains right away, and that it's understood that 8 years of Bush can't be undone in just a few months. Americans will be patient with him, and by and large trust and respect his decisions. In his speech he stated the time had come to make difficult decisions, and I'm sure his administration will do that. Remember, this isn't an administration driven entirely by money like the previous one was. Oil isn't the factor it once was. So things will (hopefully) be different.

Just my take, but it's based on Obama's own words.

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