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Old 01-26-2009, 03:50 PM   #9
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
the All Star game is what it is and it's always been that way. A production of sorts. People need to stop whining about it. The players put on a good show considering that they aren't entertainers, but athletes. Every single one of them that was interviewed expressed how honored they were to be playing in this game.
The ONLY thing I used to watch with any interest besides the player introductions at the game (hometown cheers and opponent boos are great), was the skills competition. I caught the fastest skater this year and then caught a few clips channel surfing. I'm bummed I missed the hardest shot competition but let me say this...the breakaway whatever the fuck that was is a TOTAL joke and needs to be removed altogether. The Ovechkin bit was funny, but other than that, what great breakaway moves were there? 90% of them failed. The only ones that succeeded were when the guys shot the puck between their legs. Whoopie! HOW big of a joke was it? When the commentators are laughing because the goalie "can't get out of the way fast enough", when he's been TOLD to get out of the way, that's just embarrassing to the league. They never be able to duplicate the slam dunk competition in basketball no matter what they try.

As for them all proclaiming that they were honored to be playing in the game, I mean c'mon man. I know you're smarter than that. Honored to be selected? I'm sure to a man they were. Playing in the game? Gee, do you think ANY of them would rather be on a beach somewhere with their family and maybe, just MAYBE, they've been told to be respectful of the game. Even if they haven't been "prompted", they know damn well a suspension is possible if they say the wrong thing.
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