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Old 01-29-2009, 04:55 PM   #1
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Default DVD Content Sellers Step Inside Please ===>

We are chasing non-exclusive, cheap and cheerful, even older DVD content to licence for use in our feed product.

All straight and gay niches are needed, European content is perfect, but we will take anything at the right price, as if the prices we are able to obtain are reasonable enough, we would ideally like to be adding 1 "new" straight DVD and 1 gay each DAY, so 7 straight and 7 gay per week, 30 of each per month, for 60 new titles per month., 1440 a year.

This would be a long term arrangement.

We would be then looking for monthly supply which we would pay in advance.

So we don't waste any of your time, seriously crappy is fine, definitely price over quality, and we really do not care how many others have it. The $1 bin type titles are perfect for our needs.

Email CuriousToyBoy on lindsay AT icoosoft DOT com or ICQ #293070684, CuriousToyBoy on Skype, gmmtoyboy@hotmail.com on MSN, GMM Toy Boy on AOL or GMMtoyboy on Yahoo. On the IM's please leave a message and not just add me as we literally get 100's of new addition requests per day, so send a message so you don't get lost in the crush -)

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