I just wanted to drop a note to my fellow Canadian's .. I'm shooting a pilot season for Food Network this Feb .. for a new Food comedy show called Bitchin Kitchen ..
This is a great little show idea that soem friends of mine had a few years back . with they're own money, and by calling in Favors .. they have been able to produce the website, and mobile episodes that did great! ... Late Dec. 2008 The Bitchin Kitchen Cookbook came out in stores accross Canada and the us (barnes and noble, Amazon, Indigo and Chapters) I am happy to report that i did all the food photography for this book .. took over 6000 pictures. I never had done this type of photography, but the producer felt that my Photography talent would prove to be exceptional in bringing out the sexuality of food ...
Please take the time to visit the website
www.bitchinkitchen.tv as the show will surely sweep the nation for it's special style of Humor and language ..
enjoy ...