02-04-2009, 11:07 PM
is the Queen of Mean
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Originally Posted by Rochard
I disagree with Panky. I have one kid and I see the amount of time, effort, support, and finances that goes into it. We are friends with a couple that have three kids and they are pulling their hair out - They are constantly running their kids from one event to another. Once a week they'll call me up to ask if one of their kids is with me because they have no idea where their youngest child is. With both of them working full time it's become difficult to keep track of where the kids are, no less making the time to spend with them.
And as I said, "It's a matter of whether or not the family unit and the parents themselves are strong enough mentally, physically, and financially to care for the children they do have before they begin to add on to the family. "
If a couple is pulling their hair out trying to raise 3 kids, then it wouldn't be the smartest thing to do to try and bring one or more other children into the world at this stage in their life.