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Old 02-05-2009, 08:25 AM   #10
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Default I'm w/ Chris here

I'm happily childfree - I never was much for children, even when I was one - but I am adamantly pro-choice.

To me, that simply means choice over all reproductive options - and if the woman/ family has the resources to care for the family s/he chooses, more power to them. Clearly, it's not always applied in the world in which we live - octuplet IVF woman being a case in point - but it is entirely possible to have a large family and support it lovingly without draining the resources of others (the Duggers were mentioned, the Gosselins from Jon and Kate + 8 , several bloggers I follow, and a former co-worker all seem to do remarkably well with 6+).

There are very few people I know in my "real" life that choose to have kids at all so I look at larger families as having my kids for me ;P
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