02-09-2009, 09:46 PM
should edit this
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Join Date: Jun 2006
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CAMZ gives some love! Offers $150 PPS. Details!

CamZ is all about spreading the love with $150 PPS on every single sale from February 9th through February 16th! No minimum or maximum sales are required to get $150 for all sales sent.
To sweeten the gift, CamZ offers a long list of affiliate tools to help you covert and bank $150 continuously. Just some of the extremely helpful tools are:
• RSS Feeds
• White Labels
• Pop-Up Tools,
• Custom Geo-Banners
And, if there are tools you desire but can't find in the affiliate area, just contact CamZ and they will make it happen for you!
“We are in a great position to spread the word and the love about CamZ and give webmasters some extra bank!” says Dan, owner of CamZ. “We have expanded so much and 2009 is going to be the biggest yet.”
To make it all happen-there are a few easy steps:
1: go to: http://private.camz.com/z/affiliate/login_screen or http://private.camz.com/webmasters/join_affiliate.php
2: Create a new campaign under "Campaign Mgr "
3: Give your campaign a name
4: Pick the "$150 PPS promo" and add campaign
5: Add your links to all your sites!
That's it! Earn $150.00 PPS all week long! GET YOUR LINKS UP NOW!
Please contact scott@camz.com or jill@camz.com for questions and assistance getting setup. Affiliates should visit www.privatecamz.com/webmasters to learn more about the program, sign up, and log in for promo materials.
Feel the love with $150 PPS from CamZ!