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Old 02-10-2009, 07:57 PM   #14
dyonisus is Supreme Soul Rider
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I am in the same area of thinking as LAJ. I mean really it is not about whether you can afford to properly take care fo the children, but also about responsibility to he environment and the world.

Examine the stats, population growth and people with more children tend to be those who have less means to support those children, and there are many unwanted children born everyday. It is supposed to be a human right, but as humans most of us are not responsible enough to respet the fact that with having children comes a HUGE personal and financial responsibility.

People like this woman should have their right to have children revoked. It is not fiscally or morally responsible for her to have this many children and rely on media hounds and film rights and our taxes to take on the burden of paying to educate and feed these kids. I certainly do not feel it is my responsibility.

Most times what I notice is that the people having kids are the ones least likely to be successful at it. More babies are born to crack and meth moms, born already addicted, more children are born by accidental insemination, then through planned parenthood and quite frankly how large does world population have to grow before someone decides that it is time to govern births like in Gattaca?

Its a shame our egos dont let us see the reality of over population. Maybe we should all watch idiocracy.
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