Originally Posted by DonMike
I remember back in the mid 90's I went to our stadium in Pittsburgh to see Pink Floyd in concert. The local police set up a sting operation inside the stadium where they just picked people up and took them in for smoking pot. They even set up a makeshift court so they could sentence and fine people right there during the fucking concert.
What gets me is that nobody was hurting anyone, nobody was doing anything wrong (other than the illegal act of toking up, I guess) and everyone was just mellow and having a good time and so many people got hassled by the cops and had to pay all these fines. But then the next week there was a football game there, and there were fights and people were breaking shit and being all rowdy. Underage drinking in the parking lot tailgate parties and all that. But the cops were nowhere in sight and the city just said it was good old team spirit.
And people wonder why I hate football.
The only thing with weed is that people should not drive while stoned. Other than that I don't see it as being any worse than alcohol or cigarettes, but a lot of stoners I know swear up and down that they can drive just fine when stoned, but I've ridden with 'em and it was almost as bad as riding with a drunk.
Legalize it, tax it, regulate it, and give people DUI's for driving stoned.
(and I'm going to open a bakery next to the first real 'smoke shop' that opens in my town...I'm gonna be the muthafuckin' Brownie King!)