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Old 02-18-2009, 01:58 PM   #1
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Default Question to both women and men that are dating..

To the females:

Does it matter to you where the guy you are dating takes you (for dinner).
Do you prefer more "upscale" restaurants and pretty much expect him to take you to such a place or does it not matter where he takes you?

To the men:

Do you have a "limit" to what you will spend on a dinner with a lady you are dating? And if youve already taken her to a "upscale" place several times, do you figure its time to take her to cheaper places?

a discussion I get myself into about once a year with my buddies. Most of them think I spend way to much money on dating.

My own favourite restaurants, etc are usually the most expensive, so that is where me and my date usually end up. And I do not think I EVER thought about money when it comes to dating.

But 80% of my male friends are the other way. They think alot of how much they want to spend and most have a certain limit to what they think is acceptable to spend on a date.

So.. lets hear it.. Anyone on Xnations Dating?? ;-)

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